Spice by Chris Salans Restaurant Ubud is located in Central of Ubud area.

Spice by Chris Salans Restaurant Ubud is small restaurant which has a relaxed ambiance with air conditioned and unique design of interior which recommended for all kind of visitor.

They announce the opening of second restaurant in Sanur area. Spice by Chris Salans Restaurant Ubud is located opposite Café Batujimbar on Jalan Danau Tamblingan, Sanur.

Spice by Chris Salans Restaurant Ubud is located in Central of Ubud area. The price also is quite affordable and casual good food.

You may see the link of villas which close to Spice by Chris Salans restaurant in Ubud at: http://www.balibrothers.com/villas/bali-villas-by-locations/ubud/page/3/